Always reassuring to see that other adults are concerned with family members reading their profane ramblings. I’m about to turn 40, I have to pre warn my mother about some of the things I write. Still.
Ha ha, I'm visiting my parents right now and they not-at-all-gently suggested that the profanity on my podcast might be turning off older folks who might hire me. I *still* have to explain to her that anyone who wouldn't hire me because I sometimes casually curse is someone I wouldn't last a day with in any event :P
Best of luck on your physical AND mental fitness journeys this year. As a lifelong fitness person, and someone who has rehabbed multiple injuries at this point (I'm slightly older than you) joint pain is almost always about the muscles surrounding them being too weak, and so the joints are taking on more than they should. Runners - when they mostly just run - suffer the worst for this. For knees, squats and deadlifts are musts, though do split squats for even better targeting of the knee), but also the step-up, which targets the muscles surrounding the knee joint better than anything. Those usually do the trick for me whenever pain starts creeping into those troublesome bastards.
Always reassuring to see that other adults are concerned with family members reading their profane ramblings. I’m about to turn 40, I have to pre warn my mother about some of the things I write. Still.
Ha ha, I'm visiting my parents right now and they not-at-all-gently suggested that the profanity on my podcast might be turning off older folks who might hire me. I *still* have to explain to her that anyone who wouldn't hire me because I sometimes casually curse is someone I wouldn't last a day with in any event :P
Best of luck on your physical AND mental fitness journeys this year. As a lifelong fitness person, and someone who has rehabbed multiple injuries at this point (I'm slightly older than you) joint pain is almost always about the muscles surrounding them being too weak, and so the joints are taking on more than they should. Runners - when they mostly just run - suffer the worst for this. For knees, squats and deadlifts are musts, though do split squats for even better targeting of the knee), but also the step-up, which targets the muscles surrounding the knee joint better than anything. Those usually do the trick for me whenever pain starts creeping into those troublesome bastards.
I need to get going again!